Musicians and Enthusiasts - Grupos de Discord

Musicians and Enthusiasts

Esse grupo faz parte da categoria Música. Que tal conferir outros grupos da mesma categoria? Sempre que você entrar em um grupo, leia as regras para não ser removido. Aqui nessa página você vai poder entrar no seu grupo e se divertir. Ou até mesmo fazer novos amigos virtuais e reais! No nosso site você pode encontrar mais de 100 grupos na categoria Música.

Descrição do Grupo de Discord:

Musicians and Enthusiasts was created as a space for 18+ music lovers to come together, network, and inspire. Get in here and have a good time with us. We have members music channels, practice reminders, qotd, games, and more! 《 Community 》 Collaborate with other music artists, get feedback, join a band, or just chat with us about your day! 《 Member Music 》 We have dedicated channels for all your music productions. Share your page, new releases, singles, and covers! 《 Entertainment 》 Listen to other music artists and get involved in our weekly VC events and monthly challenges! 《 Resources 》 Get practice reminders, support, browse our resource channel, and learn from one another!

Regras do Grupo para Discord:

Musicians and Enthusiasts was created as a space for 18+ music lovers to come together, network, and inspire. Get in here and have a good time with us. We have members music channels, practice reminders, qotd, games, and more! 《 Community 》 Collaborate with other music artists, get feedback, join a band, or just chat with us about your day! 《 Member Music 》 We have dedicated channels for all your music productions. Share your page, new releases, singles, and covers! 《 Entertainment 》 Listen to other music artists and get involved in our weekly VC events and monthly challenges! 《 Resources 》 Get practice reminders, support, browse our resource channel, and learn from one another!

Entrar Musicians and Enthusiasts - Discord

Você pode participar do grupo Musicians and Enthusiasts clicando no botão abaixo. Antes de entrar no grupo, lembre-se que não monitoramos os grupos, então não podemos garantir que as regras do grupo serão cumpridas. Sempre tome cuidado antes de entrar em um grupo.